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HOMEAcademics Subjects

• EDU632 Readings in English for educational research

• EDU633 Educational StatisticsⅠ

The purpose of this class is to understand basic concepts of statistics, and learn about practical process and methods for research activities. The class focuses on acquiring data analysis techniques with interpretations as well as theoretical knowledge. Through taking this class, students can acquire: 1) connection of research methods with statistical analysis, 2) statistical concepts and analysis techniques, 3) applications of SPSS and interpretations about the results.

• EDU634 Educational StatisticsⅡ

The purpose of this class is to understand intermediate-level concepts of statistics, and learn about practical process and methods for quantitative research activities. The class focuses on acquiring data analysis techniques with interpretations as well as theoretical knowledge. Through taking this class, students can acquire: 1) integration of research methods with statistical analysis, 2) intermediate-level statistical concepts and analysis techniques, 3) applications of SPSS and interpretations about the results, 4) critique of statistical methods.

• EDU648 Advanced Statical Analysis and Modeling

This is an advanced course for doctoral students who already took educational statistics 1 and 2. The course focuses on factor analysis, development of measurement instrument, and structural equation modeling. Students develop their own path analysis models and expand the models with full structural equation models. For the model development, theoretical review and software practices are conducted.

• EDU600 Seminar on Lifelong Education Theory

• EDU601 Advanced Seminar on Educational Science

• EDU602 Seminar on Lifelong Education Research Trends

• EDU603 Lifelong Education Finances

• EDU604 Seminar on Global Trends of Lifelong Education

• EDU605 Strategic HRD Seminar

• EDU606 Seminar on current educational trends and issues

• EDU607 Seminar on HRD Research Trend

• EDU608 Qualititive Research of Methodology on Lifelong Education

• EDU609 Seminar on Lifelong Education Policy

• EDU610 Lifelong Education Counseling and Management Consulting Seminar

• EDU611 Great books Reading on Lifelong Education

• EDU612 Readings in English for Lifelong Education and HRD

• EDU613 Case study on Lifelong Education and HRD

• EDU614 Seminar on HRD Policy

• EDU615 Philosophy and Great Thoughts of Lifelong Education and HRD

• EDU616 Research Methods and Trends of Lifelong Education and HRD

• EDU617 Psychology of Lifelong Education and HRD

• EDU618 Sociology of Lifelong Education and HRD

• EDU619 Adult Learning Theory and Andragogy

• EDU620 Continuing Professional Education

• EDU621 Foundations of Lifelong Education

• EDU622 Theory of Lifelong Education Management

• EDU623 Program Development of Lifelong Education

• EDU624 Methodology of Lifelong Education

• EDU625 Practicum and Fieldwork for Lifelong Education

• EDU631 Early Childhood Education Theory

This is an introductory class focusing on basic concepts, characteristics, and theories in early childhood education. Students are learning about diverse perspectives and issues in early childhood education. In addition, development and research trends in early childhood education theories are also discussed.

• EDU635 Curriculum theory

The purpose of this class to understand basic concepts of curriculum theories, and acquire practical knowledge for curriculum implementation & analysis. This class focuses on learning about theoretical knowledge of curriculum in general as well as case analysis of curriculum implementation. By taking this class, students can acquire: 1) basic concepts of curriculum theories, 2) curriculum construction and design, and 3) interpretation and critique of curriculum implementation.

• EDU636 Curriculum development

The purpose of this class to understand basic theories and models of curriculum development, and review issues & alternative solutions for new curriculum development. Students are analyzing the issues of curriculum design and development at national/school level. In addition, practicum for new curriculum development is aldo encouraged.

• EDU637 Seminar in Inclusive Education for Exceptional Students

This seminar deals with theories of the inclusive education by teaching exceptional students and non-exceptional students together, its cases, its worldwide trends, and various educational approaches to promote the inclusion.

• EDU638 Study Visits to Early childhood Educational Settings

This class focuses on discussion about field programs and models in early childhood education. Along with classroom discussions, the instructor and students visit early childhood education centers for analysis and comparison of diverse programs. By taking this class, students can acquire: 1) characteristics of field programs in early childhood education, 2) status of field program implementation, 3) program development and evaluation for young children.

• EDU639 Research methodology in curriculum and evaluation

Thu purpose of this class is to discuss practical research methods for the study of curriculum and evaluation. This class focuses on developing research proposals as well as elaboration of students' research topics. Strength and weakness of diverse research designs(e.g., experiment, observation, survey, case study) are also compared. In addition, students are encouraged to review and criticize published research articles for the improvement of their dissertation writing.

• EDU640 Early Childhood Education Policies in Korea

The purpose of this class is to discuss historical progress and policy ideas & approaches in early childhood education. In particular, this class focuses on current tasks and important issues in early childhood policies. Prospective on the future of early childhood policies is also discussed.

• EDU641 School Curriculum

The purpose of this class to understand basic concepts of school curriculum theories, and acquire practical knowledge for school curriculum implementation & analysis. This class focuses on learning about theoretical knowledge of school curriculum in general as well as case analysis of school curriculum development and implementation. By taking this class, students can acquire: 1) basic concepts of schol curriculum theories, 2) school curriculum construction & design, and 3) interpretation and critique of school curriculum implementation.

• EDU642 Seminar on Curriculum in Special Education

This seminar deals with types and exceptional characteristics of special education curricular, exploring and analyzing implemental practices of the curriculum, and how to develop a desirable curriculum model for exceptional students.

• EDU643 Transitional Education and Services for Students with Disability

This course deals with theories and practices of the transitional education and services to help exceptional students successful transition to community, processes of occupational transition and support employment, and contemporary issues about the transitional education and services for exceptional students.

• EDU644 Rehabilitation and Human Service for Students with Disability

This course deals with ideologies and values of rehabilitation and human services for students with disability, understanding actual states of exceptional persons and their human services, and exploring alternatives to the advancement of human services for exceptional students.

• EDU645 Seminar on the Study of Early Childhood Education

The is a seminar course for doctoral students who are interested in the research of early childhood education. Based upon overall understanding about early childhood education, this class focuses on discussion of diverse issues in education for young children. In particular, the following issues are discussed:

  1. 1. Trends and issues in early childhood education theories
  2. 2. program contents and implementation models for young children
  3. 3. social issues related to defusion and understating of early childhood education
  4. 4. directions for the future of early childhood education

• EDU646 Foundations of Curriculum evaluation

The purpose of this class to understand basic concepts of curriculum evaluation, and acquire practical knowledge for program evaluation. This class focuses on writing a program evaluation proposal as well as learning about theoretical knowledge of curriculum evaluation. By taking this class, students can acquire: 1) basic concepts and history of curriculum evaluation, 2) design and planning in curriculum and program evaluation, and 3) interpretation and critique of curriculum and program evaluation.

• EDU647 Seminar on Child Development

This is an advanced seminar course for doctoral students who are interested in child development. The course focuses on theories about development of infants and children. Practical issues in educational fields are also discussed. Based upon students' educational experiences, class discussions are oriented to child development related topics, appropriate educational interventions, and alternative solutions.

• EDU649 Seminar on curriculum studiest

This is an advanced seminar course for doctoral students who already took introductory level classes. This class focuses on discussing about important concepts of curriculum studies and student's individual research interests. Students are encouraged to present their own research topics as well as the progress of their research projects. By taking this class, students can acquire advanced level knowledge for their dissertation study. Through reading and criticizing research articles, students can be ready for developing and writing a paper for publication in the are of curriculum studies.

• EDU650 Organizational Behavior in Educational institutions

This seminar is required of all new management and policy students, preferably on his or her first year. The purpose of this seminar is to understand the fundamentals of organizational theories and conceptual perspectives on organizational behaviors. Theoretical approaches on organization, groups, and individual will be critically analysed in the context of school and educational service organizations.

• EDU651 Information Technology in Educational Organization

Information technology is not only a necessary and inevitable subject for all educational administrator and policy maker but also a critically important context for understanding learning in the 21st. The purpose of this seminar is to understand the strategic value of information technology, study the methodologies and processes of adapting technology in school and educational organization. A special emphasis will be given on the role and responsibility of educational leadership in technology-mediated school reform.

• EDU652 Seminar on Educational Law

The purpose of this seminar is to understand legal and regulatory aspects of public education and other educational services. Special emphasis will be given to the litigation or judiciary process and cases which influence school and educational services. Furthermore, litigation strategy and procedural implications will be studied in lieu of school innovation efforts.

• EDU653 System analysis on educational organization

Schools and educational organizations are, by definition, complex social system. Ergo, administrators and policymakers should understand the basic concepts and analytical methods on complex social system. Understanding the logic, technique and concept of ‘system analysis’is necessary ingredients for better informed decision making. The purpose of this seminar is therefore to study and understand‘system analysis’in order to improve overall effectiveness and efficiency of school and educational organizations.

• EDU654 Seminar on implementing learning organization

The concept of ‘learning organization’ developed and evolved over the years into diverse managerial models including SHRD and knowledge managements.
Schools and educational organizations are, ironically, late in adopting the concept of ‘learning’ although, by definition, they are the learning organizations. This seminar will attempt to apply the concept of ‘learning organization’ in the context of schools and educational institutions by analyzing cases in learning organization development in other sectors such as industry, government and service industries.

• EDU655 Schools and community relation management

Schools and educational organizations are expected to play a pivotal role in terms of local community development. This seminar will explore and promote the school’s role in terms of local HRD and related community development models and techniques.

• EDU656 Budgeting and planning methods in schools

Understanding budget process is central to the understandings of school organizations. This seminar will provide the students with fundamental concepts, models and techniques for comprehensive planning and budgeting process in schools and educational institutions.

• EDU657 Managing school-based enterprise

The concept of‘school-based enterprise(SBE)’provides a number of implications on school curriculum, teaching and learning methods, and managerial aspects. This seminar will analyse the relevance and conceptual diversities of SBE through case analysis.

• EDU658 Seminar on political aspects of school organizations

Public schools are, contrary to common beliefs, fundamentally political in its nature. This seminar will attempt to understand public schools and educational organizations in terms of political realities.
Understanding public schools and educational institutions in terms of political processes will help to clarify the problems or, reduce the lack of understandings and confusion of governance within and between agencies and institutions of public and private education.

• EDU659 Program evaluation

This seminar will study program evaluation models and methods as a tool for educational innovation and school reforms. Seminar participants will study diverse conceptual models and theoretical approaches on educational program evaluations. Also, participants will critically analyse the methodological relevance employed in various cases in educational program evaluations.

• EDU660 Seminar on managerial issues in elementary schools

The purpose of this special seminar is to study comprehensive and contingency-responsive managerial capabilities in elementary school settings. Seminar participants will develop special managerial challenges and corresponding contingency plans or alternatives. Participants will utilize various case analysis from multiple sources and will develop their own practical solutions to managerial challenges at elementary schools.

• EDU661 Seminar on managerial issues in secondary schools

The purpose of this special seminar is to study comprehensive and contingency-responsive managerial capabilities in secondary school settings. Seminar participants will develop special managerial challenges and corresponding contingency plans or alternatives. Participants will utilize various case analysis from multiple sources and will develop their own practical solutions to managerial challenges at secondary schools.

• EDU662 Seminar on School Supervision

This seminar will study various conceptual and theoretical models of school supervision with a special emphasis on its relationships with and influences on instructional innovations. Also, the seminar will study individual, school and district level roles and systems of school and classroom supervision.

• EDU663 Human relations management for educational administrator

Studies show that successful human relationships is one of the most important success factor and challenges for educational administrators. This seminar will study fundamental concepts and theoretical approaches on human relations management. Seminar participants will study and develop case studies on such human relations issues as motivation, job sarisfaction, and manager’s role.

• EDU664 Seminar on HRD in educational organizations

Human resources development(HRD) became a watchword for educational administrators because of its impact on effectiveness of organizational management. This seminar will study the strategic concepts, theoretical approaches, and methodological models of HRD. Also, participants will critically analyse HRD case studies from various sectors such as government and private industries to develop HRD implementation plan for schools and educational organizations.

• EDU665 Seminar on Educational policy

As long as there are someone who argue for public finances and public good theory of school, understanding publc policy process is critically important for school organizations. This seminar will study various conceptual models of policy making. Also, special emphasis will be given to policy agenda setting process and policy evaluation processes.
Seminar participants will study historical case studies on public decision making for schools and will attempt to provide policy recommendations for schools.

• EDU666 Economic aspects of education

Economics attempt to study a ‘rational decision making’. It is imperative for school administrators and educational managers to understand the fundamental concepts and methods of economic analysis. This seminar will provide fundamentals of economic thinking relevant to school and educational settings. Seminar participants will study micro-economics and macro-economic concepts in the context of school and educational institutions.

• EDU667 Seminar on Educational Service Management

The concept of ‘service’ is still foreign to school environments although schools are, by definition, the best example of ‘service’ organization. This seminar will introduce the concept of ‘service management’to educational communities to find feasible ways to apply its strategies and techniques in school settings.
Seminar participants will study various service management cases such as strategic concepts, theoretical approaches, methodological models, and implementation techniques.

• EDU668 Collective bargaining in school organizations

This seminar will study historical, political, legal, and organizational aspects of collective movement of Korean teachers. Special emphasis will be given to the historical and comprehensive understandings on the dynamics of teacher union, school administrators, and related stakeholder groups. Also, participants will study and practice the process of collective bargaining in school and educational institutions.

• EDU669 Seminar on Case Analysis Methodology in Educational Management

• EDU670 Preventive Counseling

The purpose of this course is that students research how specialties and involvement skills in counseling can be utilized, apply these methods in each system and study a process of getting results to accomplish and maintain a mental health and well-being of various systems(families, communities, schools, workplace etc) which are generally related to the daily lives of people. This approach is recently being developed and advanced into a field of study, Preventive Counseling. In this course, students analyze involvement skills, its progress and accumulated outcomes which are developed in Preventive Counseling. In addition, they will conduct the research of involvement goal, strategy and a method of evaluation on representative problems which are required in the field.

• EDU671 Counseling in Aging Society

Facing with the aging society we need to learn a wisdom to live in that society, regardless of the age and role. This course provides the theory and practice of counseling for adults and the elderly of the aging society. Students may learn characteristics of the aging process and aging society, and learn how to prepare for the aging society. Also, students may have a chance to think about the role of teacher in the social changes.

• EDU672 Advanced Developmental Psychology

The purpose of this course is to study the physical and psychological (cognitive, emotional, behavioral and social) development which the human being experiences from fertilization to death. As a counseling degrees, each student will develope the deep knowledge and the research ability about a client.
Especially, students will be able to understand the developmental problems and the typical topics which influence the personality development such as attached development. Also, students learn the approach method of the developmental counseling by examining the research products. As a consequence, students will make their own framework for understanding human beings at the developmental stage of childhood, adolescence and adulthood.

• EDU673 School Bullying Prevention and Intervention

The purpose of this course is to examine and comprehensively understand the school bullying problems and violence, and to research prevention and intervention program. For this purpose students may have a chance to examine domestic and foreign school bullying prevention-intervention programs. By doing so, students will gain a greater understanding of school bullying and related programs and research abilities about this topic.

• EDU674 School Counseling System and School Counselor's Role

It tries to look into the related laws and systems of the recent school counseling and its environmental change. Students comprehensively discuss the role of the teachers who charge their own subject but partly take a role as a counselor, professional school counselors in office of education, professional school counselor in school. In addition, students will survey school counseling systems in USA and other countries and discuss about them. Therefore, students will be raising the eye as a leader in school counseling.

• EDU675 Trend Analysis of School Counseling Research

This course is mainly about understanding the recent school counseling research and improving the competence for performing the research. Students will have the opportunity to examine the current trend of research with students own interest, to analyze the current themes in the school counseling research. And students will be required to develop a research proposal that will be reviewed by the professor and students in class.

• EDU676 Counseling for Specific Problems

This course affords students the aspects and the actual conditions of the serious problem behaviors such as drug abuse, deviant sex act, and runaway violence that appear from school-age children and adolescents, and provides the exploring ways to prevent and to solve these problems. Also, the finding and utilizing social resources will be considered when these problems occur.

• EDU677 Practicum in Group Counseling

The purpose of this course is the natural group experience. Students experience of making a small subgroup and becoming each other group member and group leader, and have the opportunity to share the feedback from the group experience. In addition, students understand the therapeutic factors and the reality of the deployment process of the group counseling, therefore, gaining leadership skills in the field.

• EDU678 Career and Vocational Counseling

This course widely investigates the meaning of the individual career in life. As a counselor each student plan a strategy to help. The objective psychological tests such as aptitudes and interests will be introduced. Also, students learn the specific methods and procedures to help a client to choose their own career and occupation. Students will study the psychology of the job changes and career transitions as well as how to help their client. Furthermore, students have a long term plans about career through the this course.

• EDU679 Adjustment Psychology

Contemporary people who live the rapidly changing society need personal psychological adaptation related to stress, interpersonal relationships, marriage, family life and occupation etc. This course provides the method to maintain the mental health associated with psychological adjustment, and give a chance to research and develope a positive mental power for self-management, self-development and self-leadership.

• EDU680 Psychological Diagnosis and Assessment

Simply not focusing on the theory and practice of the psychological testing, this course deals with psychological evaluation techniques based on the results of interviews and other survey research. In this course students learn the role of these diagnosis and assessment technology in the counseling and experience the actual case.

• EDU681 Adult Counseling

This course involves a careful examination of the various research for adult developmental characteristics, experiences and the diverse problems: marriage problems, child-education problems, a married couple problems, sexual problems, and interpersonal relationship problems etc. Various issues will be discussed through this course and more be studied carefully on the basis of recent adult counselling currency. Student may learn development of advanced strategies and skills in adult counseling.

• EDU682 Counseling for Interpersonal Relationship

It is focused on counseling methods for helping the problems of interpersonal relationships and the social development. It can give the chance to experience of the practical method how to solve the problems which can often occur in the interpersonal relations, besides it also shows the helpful method to handle the problems. This course includes a careful examination of the methods of counselling for improving the interpersonal relationships, preventing problems of the interpersonal relational as well.

• EDU683 Research Methods in Counseling

The purpose of this course is for students to foster research ability. Students will be able to search the uniqueness of research methods in counselling and study the main issues, methods and trends of the current counseling research. Also, students will be receive some exemplary articles in counseling and have chances to discuss about them and lean through them. Students are expected to demonstrate the ability to plan their own research.

• EDU684 Counseling Supervision

The purpose of this course is to study current model of supervision and to improve the ability of supervision. This course provides the opportunity of supervised supervision. Through these process, students may have a chance to develop the knowledge of the theoretical background of supervision and advance skills of supervision.

• EDU686 Advanced Couple & Family Counseling

This course provides the in-depth understanding of the couple and family counseling theories, affords the practices of specific counseling and leads to have the ability about the practical and theoretical research of couple and family counseling. This course help to make out the theoretical, practical and integrated understanding of the research through a variety of the literature and the research material about the behavioral, experiential, communicative family therapy theories and the inter generational family therapy theories. Completing this course, students will be able to improve counseling skills, learn the method for improving the research capacity and have the perspective of researchers contributing to the theoretical development in this field.

• EDU687 Qualitative Counseling Research Method

The purpose of this course is for doctoral students to equip the ability to perform qualitative research, to have an experience about practice of qualitative research and to understand of the paradigm of qualitative research dealing with a variety of qualitative research methodologies. Especially, in this course students learn the analysis in qualitative research methods and achievements focused on research topics in the field of counseling which is related to clients, counselors, and the counseling process and phenomenon. In addition, students learn how to perform and design of qualitative research and ensure the validity of the analysis and data collection method. Students will learn how to write the report on the result of a qualitative research and raise the capability to serve as a qualitative researcher.

• EDU691 Program development and evaluation in early childhood education

• EDU692 Seminar on learning and instruction

• EDU701 Seminar on Educational Leadership

Leadership is the most important strategic success factor in all the levels of educational organization from classroom to national system of education. The purpose of this seminar is to review and comprehend theoretical trends, concepts and research methodologies about leadership phenomenon. Furthermore, this seminar will compare and analyse the commonality and speciality of leadership in the context of school and educational organizations.

• EDU702 Advanced Counseling Theories and Techniques

The purpose of this course is to study about the theory which is emerging from representative theories and in-depth understanding of the representative counseling theory. Also, this course provides the opportunity to learn the development trend of counseling theories and make use of the techniques. It is expected that the learning experience in this course will help to promote the efficacy of majors about counseling theory and techniques.

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